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Corkscrew for



For the average diner, picking a wine can be an intimidating and frustrating experience. Without considerable wine knowledge, they will tend to make a low-risk (i.e. low-price) selection. The result is a lose-lose scenario: a bad wine experience for the customer and reduced gross margins for the restaurant.

Corkscrew offers a highly cost-effective tool for diners to make fast, informed wine choices. Confident, comfortable customers have been shown to spend considerably more on wine.

Contact us to find out how Corkscrew can:

Help you to sell more and more expensive wine

Offer a fun and original experience to your customers

Provide you with a whole new targeted marketing channel into our user base of restaurant-going wine drinkers

Contact Us

Get in touch to find out how Corkscrew can help you increase your wine revenues

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“At Gauthier Soho our sommeliers’ priority is making sure the customer makes the best decision according to their budget when choosing from our wine list. We’re excited about the Corkscrew app and how it can help our customers make informed choices, even before they arrive at the restaurant.” 

-Alexis Gauthier -

Chef Patron, Gauthier Soho

For Restaurants

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